Sunday, December 13, 2009


H.A.L.T = hungry, angry lonely tired.

Am I hungry? Yes....all Ive eaten today is a handful of ritz crackers and a mouthful of apple juice.
Angry? That would be a yes as well. The hubby is working again today. He works every day! The house is a mess and is beginning to look like an episode of Hoarders....ok, Im blowing that a wee bit out of proportion but its pretty messy. Messy with HIS stuff. I refuse to pick up after a grown man who chooses to work at his job until he's so tired he drops into bed and has no energy for his home.
Lonely? Yup....see above.
Tired? Yeah....~sigh~ Tired of my house being a mess.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

No Justifications

There are giants in the rooms you know. There have been giants placed in my path that have had a profound effect on my recovery.
I am remembering the time L. told me that if I live the spiritual principals of this program, I will never need to justify myself again.
It took me weeks to wrap my head around that one.
Now I tell sponsees that and marvel at their look of confusion and wonder....and hope.
I love AA. I love my giants.