Friday, May 16, 2014

It Touches Every Area of Our Lives

Posted 27 March 2014 - 11:18 AM "Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble" ~George Washington~ I would hazard a guess, dear Georgie, that worry isn't the only form of pay that will be exacted from those who borrow trouble. For a nicotine addict such as myself, borrowing trouble can spell disaster. My form of 'borrowing trouble. most often means picking up what doesn't belong to me. Noo.....I don't mean shoplifting, I mean trying to organize the affairs of others, most often, my children. Mom knows best, right?? In a meditation reading this morning, the author mentions that addiction affected every area of our lives, physical mental and spiritual. And I know that to be true. Its my truth anyhow. So in order to walk in a peaceful, contented state, I must now nurture and give care to every area of my life. Taking care of my physical self is easy: -Don't smoke -don't take drugs -don't drink alcohol -eat lots of colorful stuff that comes from the earth -drink lots of water -move my body in some form of exercise -get rest. Taking care of my mental self gets a little harder: -laugh. Everyday. Find things to laugh at. -Connect with those who love me. Have communication that is not surface talk. Everyday! -When Im bothered, discontent, restless, use the recovery tools I have, (Talk to program friends, meditate, write, yoga) -BE grateful. Not to be confused with feel grateful. In my world, gratitude is an action word. -Live in today. Live in the moment. -Recognize the true benefits and uses of The Serenity Prayer. Put the prayer into action. Taking care of myself spiritually: -Weekly yoga. -Daily meditation -Try to give more than I take -Treat the earth with the respect she deserves. -Daily recognition/acknowledgement that the universe is a marvelous, powerful, awe inspiring place. I am but a tiny tiny piece of that. Now.......if I just had the willingness to do that stuff, everyday...... Posted Image Progress, not perfection.

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